Collapse of the Republic


System:Star Wars Roleplaying



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Clone Dive Armor 0 2 (R) 4,500 3
Clone Reconnaissance Armor 0 2 (R) 4,000 3
Jedi Reconnaissance Armor 1 1 4,000 2
Katarn-class Commando Armor 1 2 (R) 6,500 4
Mandalorian Armor 1 2 (R) 6,000 6
Phase II ARC Trooper Armor 1 2 (R) 5,500 4
Phase II Clone Trooper Armor 0 2 (R) 3,000 4
Name Description
Amphibious [SPECIES] may breathe underwater without penalty and never suffer movement penalties for traveling through water.
Dark Side Force User uses Dark Side results instead of Light Side results, see page 281 Force and Destiny Core Rulebook)
Droid Does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and can survive in vacuum or underwater. Immune to poisons or toxins.
Flyer [PLURAL_SELF] can fly
Glider [SPECIES] can suffer 2 strain to count as a flyer for the remainder of the turn.
Hoverer Floats up to several meters in the air and may move through difficult terrain without spending additional maneuvers.
Regeneration Recover 1 additional would from natural rest or bacta tank, regrow lost limb in 1 month
Sweep Attack The [SPECIES] can spend [TRIUMPH] on a successful Brawl check to hit the target as well as anyone engaged with the target.
Tactical Direction May spend a maneuver to direct one [TARGET] minion group within medium range. The group may make an immediate free maneuver or adds one Boost die [BOOST] to its next check
Sabotage Attacks by a minion group of buzz droids that target a vehicle inflict planetary-scale damage and gain Breach 1.
Clone Inhibitor Chip So long as the proper chain of command is observed, upgrade the ability of Leadership checks targeting a clone trooper once.
Kamino Training Clones start with one rank in the Physical Training talent.
Always a Backup Plan Once per encounter, may reroll any single Coercion, Streetwise, Survival, or Vigilance check.
Coordinate and Confuse Once per round as a Maneuver, the supervisor can command a minion group of droids within long range to focus fire on a target visible to the supervisor and minion group, upgrading the ability of the minion group's next combat check targeting that enemy once, after which the droids become disoriented for the remainder of the encounter; a minion group can only benefit from this ability once per encounter.
Jaws When a Karkarodon makes a Brawl check to deal damage to an opponent, they deal +1 damage and the attack has a critical rating of 3.
Overwhelming Numbers The swarm inflicts +3 damage with successful attacks against immobilized prone targets.
Harsh Upbringing Dathomirians begin the game with one rank of the Outdoorsman talent.
Force Sense May make an Average Perception check to become aware of all characters with a Force rating within extreme range.
Venomous Fangs When a Harch makes a Brawl check to deal damage to an opponent, the attack gains the Stun 3 quality.
Chosen One After Anakin makes a Force power check, other characters in the encounter add [LIGHT] to their Force power checks until the start of his next turn; if Anakin used any [DARK] to generate Force points, other characters instead add [DARK] to their checks.
Release Probe Killers Once per session as a maneuver, release a probe killer swarm; the probe killer swarm is automatically released if the assassin probe droid becomes incapacitated.
Droid Swarm Halve the damage dealt to the swarm before applying soak unless the wepaon has the Blast or Ion quality, regardless of whether that quality is activated.
Anger Is Strength While Savage is critically injured, he gains +2 Force Rating and +2 damage to combat checks.
Mother's Blessing A character who targets a Nightsister with a combat check must reroll all [SETBACK] showing a blank face.
Incorporeal May perform a Maneuver to become incorporeal; while incorporeal, gains melee and ranged defense 4, can fly, and can move through solid objects.
Presumed Dead If Admiral Trench is killed, he may make a Daunting Deception check to instead suffer a Critical Injury (rerolling lethal results), and escape (while faking his death).
Poppet Doll If Talzin has a person's peronal item, she can spend one hour to create a poppet doll of the target. As an action, may harm the doll, forcing the target to make a Daunting Resilience check or suffer 4 wounds and 4 strain. May spend [THREAT][THREAT][THREAT] to immobilize the target until the end of their next turn or [DESPAIR] to stagger the target until the end of their next turn; target may spend [TRIUMPH] to render the doll permanently powerless after this action is resolved.
Armored Shield Maneuver to deploy or retract; while deployed, gains ranged defense 3 but can only perform one maneuver each round to move.
Cybernetic Lungs Immune to airborne poisons and toxins.
Deadly Blockade If the current speed of a ship under Trench's control is 0, when its crew aim ship-based weapons, they upgrade the ability of their combat check once instead of adding [BOOST] to the check.
Reappropriate As an action, the guard can make an Easy Brawl check to disarm an engaged opponent, an dmay spend a Triumph to immediately wield the item or weapon.
Rhen-Orm Biocomputer When Aurra Sing provides assistance to a character making a knowledge check, upgrade the ability of the check one additional time; Aurra Sing add [SUCCESS] to all Perception and Vigilance checks she makes.
Additional Limbs Harches have multiple sets of arms. As a result, they gain an additional free maneuver per turn, though they still may not perform more than two maneuvers per turn.
Intimidating Countenance Add [ADVANTAGE][ADVANTAGE] to all Coercion checks Maul makes.
Trained Mount Add [BOOST] equal to ranks in Trained Mount to a rider's Survival checks while mounted on a [SPECIES].
Additional Rules
Name Description
Massive When making an attack targeting this starship, increase the Critical rating of any weapon used by ranks in Massive
Discord Missile Launcher Some [STARSHIPS] are equipped with missiles sporting a payload of buzz droids. This missile launcher has the following profile: (Fire Arc Forward; Damage -; Critical 6; Range [Short]; Guided 3, Limited Ammo 3, Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1). A discord missile launcher inflicts no damage; instead, a successful hit deploys one buzz droid engaged with the target per [SUCCESS] on the combat check.
Variable Geometry A [STARSHIP] can change between its starfighter and walker configurations as a maneuver. In its walker configuration, a [STARSHIP]'s speed becomes 2 and it can cling to starship hulls or scale sheer surfaces. A [STARSHIP] in walking configuration can attack using its legs, with the following profile (this weapon uses personal scale): (Brawl; Damage 9; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Ensnare 1, Knockdown).
Flex Ordnance Launchers The [VEHICLE]'s flext ordnance launchers can carry a mix of ordnance types, additional sensors, and even external fuel tanks. The flex ordnance launcher has secen mounting points per wing, for a total of 14. Each point can carry a single round of ordnance or other piece of gear.
Sidecar The addition of a Mk I Sidecar increases a BARC speeder's passenger capacity to 1, increases encumbrance capacity to 10, and reduces handling to 0. The sidecar can mount a light repeating blaster.
Anti-Personnel Ordnance The [VEHICLE]'s flex ordnance launchers can fire any standard grenade. After each combat encounter or if the launchers run out of ammo, the launchers must be replenished from the [VEHICLE]'s on-board magazines with an Easy Gunnery check.
Rapid Walker Deployment The [VEHICLE] can deploy a walker to the field while still moving. As an action, the pilot may make a Hard Piloting (Planetary) check upgrade a number of times equal to the [VEHICLE]'s current speed. If the pilot succeeds, the walker deploys safely. If the pilot fails, the walker deploys but suffers an immediate Critical Hit as if it had suffered a condition.
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Integrated Saws and Drills Melee 3 3 Engaged Pierce 2
Twin DX-13 Blaster Pistols Ranged [Light] 5 3 Short Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Anakin's Lightsaber Lightsaber 10 1 Engaged Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 2
Custom Shock Gloves Brawl 1 5 Engaged Stun 3
Ichor Energy Discipline 6 4 Short Auto-Fire, Burn 2, Ensnare 2, Disorient 3
Ahsoka's Lightsaber Lightsaber 8 2 Engaged Breach 1, Sunder
Maul's Lightsaber Lightsaber 9 2 Engaged Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1, Sunder
Enchanted Nightsister Blade Melee 3 2 Engaged Defensive 1, Disorient 3, Vicious 2
Bolas Ranged [Light] 2 - Short Ensnare 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 1
Poisoned Spear Melee 1 4 Engaged Stun 4
Built-in Dual Blaster Pistols Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium Linked 1, Stun Setting
Czerka Adventurer Slugthrower Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Extreme Accurate 2, Pierce 3
Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged Breach 1, Defensive 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Stun 4, Unwieldy 3
Nightsister Energy Bow Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Medium Pierce 4, Vicious 2
Ichor Pike Melee 4 1 Engaged Cortosis, Pierce 2
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber 8 2 Engaged Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder
Mechanical Fists Brawl 2 4 Engaged Disorient 2, Knockdown
Concealed Boot Darts Ranged [Light] 5 2 Short Inaccurate 1, Limited Ammo 2, Pierce 3
Compact Flame Projector Ranged [Light] 5 2 Short Blast 2, Burn 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 3
Ichor Sword Melee 8 1 Engaged Cortosis, Pierce 2, Superior
Built-in Heavy Blasters Gunnery 12 2 Long Pierce 4, Linked 2, Vicious 1
Integrated Droideka Blaster Rifle Gunnery 12 3 Extreme Accurate 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Superior Integrated Wrist Blaster Ranged [Light] 12 3 Medium Linked 1
Retractable Blaster Ranged [Heavy] 10 3 Long
Electrocane Melee 1 4 Engaged Stun Setting
Ahsoka's Shoto Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder
Ceremonial Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Long Pierce 1, Stun Setting
Enchanted Spear Melee 3 3 Engaged Disorient 2
Twin Custom LL-30 Blaster Pistols Ranged [Light] 7 2 Medium Accurate 1, Stun Setting
Concealed Implanted Electronet Launcher Ranged [Light] 8 5 Short Ensnare 5, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 1, Stun Damage
Knuckles Brawl 4 4 Engaged Disorient 1, Knockdown
Razor-Sharp Limbs Brawl 3 2 Engaged Knockdown, Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Tiny Razor-Sharp Legs Brawl 2 2 Engaged Disorient 2, Ensnare 2, Knockdown, Pierce 2
Darksaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged Accurate 1, Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Buzz Droid Minion Coordination, Melee None Droid, Sabotage, Silhouette 0 Integrated Saws and Drills
Ahsoka Tano Nemesis Athletics 2, Charm 1, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Coordination 3, Discipline 3, Knowledge (Lore) 1, Knowledge (Underworld) 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 4, Lightsaber 4, Leadership 2, Mechanics 2, Perception 3, Piloting (Planetary) 3, Piloting (Space) 2, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Ataru Technique, Circle of Shelter, Force Rating 3, Parry 3, Improved Reflect 3, Saber Swarm Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Ahsoka's Lightsaber, Ahsoka's Shoto, Encrypted Comlink
Anakin Skywalker Nemesis Athletics 2, Coercion 4, Cool 2, Deception 2, Discipline 2, Gunnery 3, Leadership 3, Lightsaber 4, Perception 2, Piloting (Space) 5, Vigilance 3 Adversary 3, Force Rating 5, Improved Parry 4, Improved Reflect 4 Chosen One, Force Power Bind, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Anakin's Lightsaber, Padded Robes
Admiral Trench Nemesis Astrogation 4, Coercion 4, Cool 4, Deception 4, Knowledge (Warfare) 5, Leadership 3, Melee 2, Perception 4, Ranged (Light) 2 Adversary 1, Clever Commander Deadly Blockade, Presumed Dead Concealed Implanted Electronet Launcher, Electrocane
Aurra Sing Nemesis Brawl 4, Coercion 3, Cool 5, Deception 2, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Underworld) 3, Negotiation 2, Piloting (Planetary) 4, Ranged (Heavy) 5, Ranged (Light) 4, Streetwise 3, Survival 3. Vigilance 4 Adversary 2, Precise Aim 3 Rhen-Orm Biocomputer Twin DX-13 Blaster Pistols, Czerka Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle, Concealed Boot Darts, Knuckles, Second Skin Armored Bodysuit, Tracker Utility Belt
Cad Bane Nemesis Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Coercion 2, Computers 2, Cool 5, Coordination 4, Deception 4, Knowledge (Underworld) 4, Mechanics 3, Piloting (Planetary) 3, Piloting (Space) 3, Ranged (Heavy) 4, Ranged (Light) 5, Stealth 3, Streetwise 4, Survival 3, Vigilance 5 Adversary 3, Clever Solution, Guns Blazing, Improved Quick Draw Always a Backup Plan, Cybernetic Lungs Twin Custom LL-30 Blaster Pistols, Bolas, Compact Flame Projector, Custom Shock Gloves, Longcoat, Wrist Guantlets with integrated datapad and whipcord thrower, Rocket Boots
Maul Nemesis Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Coercion 3, Coordiantion 4, Deception 3, Knowledge (Lore) 3, Lightsaber 5, Piloting (Space) 3, Survival 1, Vigilance 3 Adversary 3, Fear is My Ally, Force Rating 4, Hawkbat Swoop, Jump Up, Parry 4, Reflect 4 Dark Side Force User, Intimidating Countenance, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Maul's Lightsaber or the Darksaber, Cybernetic Legs, Nightbrother Heavy Clothing
Savage Opress Nemesis Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Coercion 4, Deception 1, Discipline 3, Lightsaber 4, Melee 4, Resilience 5, Vigilance 3 Adversary 2, Force Ratin 2, Parry 4, Reflect 3 Dark Side Force User, Anger is Strength, Intimidating Countenace, Force Power Bind, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Ichor Pike or Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Heavy Battle Armor
Mother Talzin Nemesis Cool 4, Deception 4, Discipline 4, Knowledge (Lore) 4, Melee 4, Negotiation 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 3, Force Rating 5 Incorporeal, Poppet Doll, Force Power Enhance, Force Power Misdirect, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Ichor Energy, Ichor Sword, Crystal Ball, Dooku Poppet Doll, Ichor Cauldron
Felucian Minion Survival None Silhouette 0 Poisoned Spear
Clone Trooper Minion Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Ranged (Heavy), Vigilance None Clone Inhibitor Chip DC-15 Blaster Rifle, 2 Frag Grenades, Phase II Clone Trooper Armor, Utility Belt, Extra Reload
Clone Sergeant Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Discipline 2, Leadership 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Clone Inhibitor Chip, Tactical Direction DC-15 Blaster Rifle, 2 Frag Grenades, Phase II Clone Trooper Armor, Utility Belt, Extra Reload
Senate Guard Rival Brawl 2, Discipline 2, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Vigilance 1 None Reappropriate Force Pike or Ceremonial Rifle, Comlink, Senate Guard Armor
Jedi Temple Guard Nemesis Discipline 2, Medicine 2, Melee 2, Lightsaber 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Force Rating 4, Parry 4, Reflect 4 Force Power Bind Temple Guard Lightsaber Pike, Jedi Temple Guard Armor, Keys
Jedi Padawan Rival Discipline 2, Lightsaber 2, Perception 1, Resilience 1, Vigilance 1 Adversary 1, Force Rating 1 Force Power Enhance, Force Power Move, Force Power Sense Basic Lightsaber, Padawan Robes
Nightsister Rival Athletics 3, Discipline 2, Cool 2, Melee 3, Perception 1, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Resilience 1, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2 None Mother's Blessing Enchanted Nightsister Blade, Nightsister Energy Bow, Nightsister Robes
Nightbrother Warrior Rival Athletics 1, Discipline 2, Melee 3, Perception 1, Resilience 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 1 None None Enchanted Spear
Death Watch Commando Rival Discipline 1, Melee 2, Piloting (Planetary) 3, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 1 Hit and Run None Blaster Pistol, Flame Projector, Vibroknife, Death Watch Armor, Jetpack
Pyke Syndicate Interrogator Rival Brawl 1, Coercion 3, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, Medicine 3, Ranged (Light) 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 1 None None Blaster Pistol, Vibroknife, Custom Medkit containing tools for minor surgery, various toxins and types of spice, blades in an array of sizes
Trandoshan Hunter Rival Brawl 2, Cool 2, Discipline 1, Perception 2, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 None Regeneration Blaster Rifle, Claws, Hunter Armor
Aqua Droid Minion Athletics, Ranged (Heavy) None Amphibious, Droid Retractable Blaster
Arakyd Ringneck Recon Droid Rival Cool 1, Perception 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Survival 2, Vigilance 2 None Droid, Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Built-in Dual Blaster Pistols, Life-Form Scanner, Long-Range Holo-Net Communication, Long-Range Sensor Array
Assassin Probe Droid Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Perception 1, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1 Droid, Release Probe Killers Razor-Sharp Limbs
Probe Killer Swarm Rival Brawl 3, Coordination 2, Stealth 2 None Droid, Droid Swarm, Overwhelming Numbers Tiny Razor-Sharp Legs
B1 Rocket Battle Droid Minion Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Heavy) None Droid E-5 Blaster Rifle, Integrated Comlink, Head-Mounted Floodlight, Fusion Cutters, Rocket Pack
B1 Supervisor Droid Rival Cool 2, Gunnery 2, Leadership 3, Ranged (Heavy 2, Vigilance 1 None Droid, Coordinate and Confuse E-5 Blaster Rifle, Mini-Probe
BX-Series Doird Commando Rival Cool, Melee, Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light), Stealth None Droid E-5 Blaster Rifle, Vibrosword, Frag Grenade, Stun Grenade
Droideka Sharpshooter Rival Gunnery 3, Perception 3, Resilience 3, Stealth 1 None Armored Shield, Droid Integrated Droideka Blaster Rifle
FA-4 Pilot Droid Rival Astrogation 3, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 2, Piloting (Planetary) 3, Piloting (Space) 3 None Droid Integrated Comlink
Octuptarra Combat Tri-Droid Rival Gunnery 4 None Droid, Silhouette 3 Built-in Heavy Blasters
Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper Minion Piloting (Planetary), Ranged (Heavy), Ranged (Light) None Droid Superior Integrated Wrist Blaster, Integrated Comlink, Integrated Rocket Pack
Super Tactical Droid Nemesis Brawl 2, Coercion 2, Cool 3, Discipline 2, Knowledge (Warfare) 4, Leadership 4, Negotiation 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Improved Droid Commander, Improved Scathing Tirade Droid Mechanical Fists
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Micro-Rocket Armor Mounting Armor Attachments (R) 800 3 2 6
Proximity Detonator Grenade and Micro-Rocket Attachments 100 - 0 3
Amplifying Chamber Ranged Weapon Attachments 350 - 1 4
Portable Plasma Shield Armor Attachments 2,500 - 2 4
Catastrophic Failure Modification Lightsaber Attachments 0 - 0 -
Mandalorian Chamber Ranged Weapon Attachments 250 - 1 5
Retractable Wrist Blades Armor Attachments 150 - 1 1
Personal Vibrosaw Armor Attachments 900 - 1 1
Hair Trigger Ranged Weapon Attachments 250 - 1 2
Whipcord Thrower Armor Attachments 600 - 1 1
Clone Polarized Electrobinoculars Armor Attachments 500 - 1 4
Wrist Mount Ranged Weapon Attachments 275 - 2 5
Christophsis Crystal Lightsaber Crystal 11,000 - 2 8
Bayonet Ranged Weapon Attachments 50 1 1 1
Ilum Crystal Lightsaber Crystal 9,000 - 2 9
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Jungle Rancor Nemesis Brawl 2, Perception 2, Survival 4, Vigilance 2 Durable 2 Silhouette 3, Sweep Attack Massive Rending Claws
Webweaver Minion Brawl, Cool, Ranged (Light), Stealth None None Spider Fangs, Spider Hairs
Terentatek Nemesis Brawl 2, Perception 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Force Sense, Silhouette 2 Poisonous Tusks and Claws
Racing Dactillion Rival Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Coordination 2, Perception 1, Vigilance 3 None Flyer, Silhouette 2, Trained Mount 2 Beak, Claws
Racing Varactyl Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Coordination 1, Perception 1, Vigilance 1 None Glider, Silhouette 2, Trained Mount 2 Beak
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Varactyl Beak Brawl 7 3 Engaged Vicious 3
Jungle Rancor Massive Rending Claws Brawl 9 3 Short Knockdown, Sunder
Webweaver Spider Fangs Brawl 2 2 Engaged Stun 4
Webweaver Spider Hairs Ranged [Light] 3 2 Short Disorient 3
Terentatek Poisonous Tusks and Claws Brawl 2 3 Engaged Pierce 4, Stun 5, Vicious 4
Dactillion Beak Brawl 6 3 Engaged Vicious 3
Dactillion Claws Brawl 7 3 Engaged
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
Concealed Recorder Security 175 0 5
Stuncuffs Security 100 0 5
Diplomatic Authorization Tools (R) 10,000 0 8
Nano-Droids Droids (R) 50,000 - 9
Z-6 Jetpack Tools 5,250 3 7
Aquasuit Survival 250 3 2
JT-12C Jetpack Tools 4,750 2 7
Rocket Boots Tools 2,500 2 8
Name Active Ranked Effect
Name Characteristic Type
Lightsaber Brawn Combat
Warfare Intellect Knowledge
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 2 2 10 8 1/-/-/0 Close Alpha-3 Nimbus Kuat Systems Engineering None Astromech Droid Socket 2 5 0 (R) 120,000 7 2 2
ARC-170 Heavy Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 0 4 18 10 2/-/-/1 Long ARC-170 Incom/Subpro Primary: Class 1.5, Backup: None true 4 30 0 (R) 180,000 5 2 4
Belbullab-22 Heavy Starfighter Starfighters 3 4 1 3 15 12 1/-/-/1 Close Belbullab-22 Feetha Ottraw Scalable Assemblies Primary: Class 6, Backup: Class 15 true 1 8 0 168,000 6 3 1
Droid Tri-Fighter Starfighters 3 5 2 2 12 8 0 Short Tri-Fighter Colla Designs/Phlac-Arphocc Automata Industries None None 0 0 0 (R) 40,000 8 2 3
Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor Starfighters 3 6 2 2 10 8 0 Close Eta-2 Actis-class Kuat Systems Engineering None None 2 5 0 (R) 290,000 8 1 2
Hyena-class Droid Bomber Bombers 3 4 0 3 14 12 0 Short Hyena-class Baktoid Armor Workshop None None 0 0 0 (R) 120,000 8 2 4
Trident-class Assault Ship Shuttles/Light Freighters 4 4 1 4 35 20 2/-/-/2 Short Trident-class Colicoid Creation Nest None None 4 350 30 120,000 8 2 13
V-19 Torrent Starfighters 3 4 2 3 10 9 0 Short V-19 Torrent Slayn & Korpil Primary: Class 1, Backup: None true 1 6 0 75,000 4 1 3
Acclamator-class Planetary Assault Ship Cruisers 7 2 -1 6 80 65 3/2/2/2 Long Acclamator-class Rothana Heavy Engineering Primary: Class 0.6, Backup: Class 10 true 700 10000 15000 (R) 110,000,000 8 2 40
Pelta-class Frigate Frigates 6 3 0 4 65 55 2/2/2/1 Long Pelta-class Kuat Drive Yards Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 16 true 900 6000 300 (R) 7,250,000 6 4 8
Providence-class Dreadnought Battlecruisers 8 2 -3 12 160 125 2/3/3/2 Long Providence-class Rendili StarDrive/Free Dac Volunteers Primary: Class 1.5, Backup: Class 10 true 900 18000 1548247 (R) 400,585,000 9 2 186
Subjugtor-class Heavy Cruiser Battlecruisers 9 2 -3 12 210 150 3/3/3/3 Long Subjugator-class Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp/Pammant Docks Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 true 23350 85000 60000 (R) 875,500,000 9 1 654
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Armor Master Passive false false
Armor Master (Improved) Passive false false
Balance Active (Maneuver) false true
Center of Being Active (Maneuver) true true
Center of Being (Improved) Passive false true
Clever Commander Passive false false
Commanding Presence Passive true false
Conditioned Passive true false
Confidence (Improved) Passive false false
Congenial Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Enhanced Leader Passive false true
Force of Will Active (Incidental) false false
Forewarning Active (Action) false true
Guns Blazing Active (Incidental) false false
Inspiring Rhetoric Active (Action) false false
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) Passive false false
Knockdown Passive false false
Lethal Blows Passive true false
Multiple Opponents Passive false false
Parry Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Physical Training Passive true false
Point Blank Passive true false
Reflect Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true true
Researcher (Improved) Passive false false
Resolve Passive true false
Scathing Tirade Active (Action) false false
Scathing Tirade (Improved) Passive false false
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) Active (Incidental) false false
Sense Advantage Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
Speaks Binary Passive true false
Speaks Binary (Improved) Passive false false
Speaks Binary (Supreme) Active (Maneuver) false false
Sum Djem Passive false true
The Force is My Ally Active (Incidental) false true
Well Traveled Passive false false
Respected Delegate Passive true false
Clanker Killer Active (Incidental) true false
First Among Brothers Passive true false
Outmaneuver Active (Action) false false
Lead from the Back Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Practiced Strategist Active (Action) false false
Known Programming (Improved) Passive false false
Ichor Reserve Active (Maneuver) false true
Tactical Evasion Passive false false
Stand Firm! (Improved) Active (Action) false false
Clanker Killer (Improved) Passive false false
Rapid Fire Active (Incidental) false false
Natural Commando Active (Incidental) false false
Master of the Order Active (Incidental) false true
Flows Through all Things Active (Maneuver) false true
Preemptive Intervention Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
There is No Try Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
Get the Drop Active (Incidental) false false
Ichor Blade Passive false false
Stand Firm! Active (Action) false false
To the Death! Active (Maneuver) false false
Enduring Presence Passive false false
Formation Tactics Active (Action) false false
Blather Active (Action) false false
Combat Veteran Passive true false
Powerful Ally Active (Incidental) false true
Jetpack Expertise Active (Incidental) false false
Survivor's Instincts Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Bound Together Active (Maneuver) false true
Formation Tactics (Improved) Passive false false
Knowledge is Strength Active (Incidental) false true
Lead from the Front Active (Incidental) false false
Summon Item Active (Maneuver) false false
Nobody's Fool (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Known Programming Active (Action) false false
Momentum Passive false false
Droid Commander Active (Incidental) false false
Savvy Passive true false
At Any Cost Active (Incidental) false false
Resource Allocation Active (Action) false false
Ichor Blade (Improved) Passive false false
Natural Champion Active (Incidental) false false
Coven Active (Maneuver) false true
Exemplar of the Republic Active (Incidental) false true
Witchcraft Passive false false
Death from Above Active (Action) true false
Diplomatic Immunity Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Ingrained Loyalty Active (Incidental) false false
Side Step (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Hit and Run Active (Incidental) false false
Center of Being (Supreme) Passive false true
Resist Questioning Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Cruel Commander Passive false false
Inspiring Kill Active (Maneuver) false true
Fall Back! Active (Incidental) false false
Ichor Transfusion Active (Maneuver) false false
Tactical Planning Active (Incidental) false false
Vehicle Attachments
Name Price HP Rarity
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Light Flak Cannon Close 5 3 6,000 5 Blast 4, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 3 4+
Medium Flak Cannon Short 5 3 8,000 6 Blast 4, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 4 5+
Heavy Flak Cannon Short 6 3 10,000 7 Blast 5, Slow-Firing 2, Vicious 5 6+
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
HMP Droid Gunship Airspeeders 3 3 0 4 20 16 2/-/-/1 Short HMP Baktoid Fleet Ordnance/ Haor Chall Engineering 0 0 12 (R) 60,000 8 1 6
LAAT/c Assault Carrier Airspeeders 3 4 -2 2 20 15 1/-/-/1 Medium LAAT/c Rothana Heavy Engineering 3 15 2 (R) 175,000 6 2 2
BARC Speeder Speeders 2 3 1 1 6 4 0 Close BARC Aratech Repulsor Company 1 5 0 (R) 9,500 7 1 1
STAP Assault Platform Speeders 2 3 0 0 2 3 0 Close STAP Baktoid Armor Workshop 1 4 0 2,500 4 1 1
WLO-5 Light Speeder Tank Speeders 3 3 0 2 12 10 0 Close WLO-5 Ubrikkian Ord Pedrovia 3 18 4 115,000 7 2 2
HAVw A6 Juggernaut Heavy Armored Vehicle Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles 4 3 -1 5 55 50 0 Short HAVw A6 Juggernaut Kuat Drive Yards 20 200 300 (R) 180,000 7 3 7
NR-N99 Persuader Heavy Droid Tank Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles 3 2 -1 4 25 18 0 Short NR-N99 Persuader Techno Union 0 0 8 (R) 120,000 5 4 8
All Terrain Attack Pod Walkers 3 2 0 2 15 10 0 Medium AT-AP Kuat Drive Yards 3 12 0 (R) 90,000 5 2 3
All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport Walkers 2 3 1 0 4 8 1/-/-/0 Medium AT-RT Kuat Drive Yards 1 7 0 (R) 20,000 4 2 1
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 2 4 (R) 18,600 10 Breach 1, Linked 1, Sunder, Unwieldy 3
Basic Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 5 300 5
Double-Bladed Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 2 4 600 6 Linked 1, Unwieldy 3
DC-15A Blaster Carbine Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium 3 4 (R) 1,500 5 Auto-Fire, Pierce 1, Stun Setting
DC-17 Hand Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 3 (R) 1,000 6 Accurate 1, Stun Setting
Basic Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 5 8,000 10 Breach 1, Sunder
E-5 Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Long 2 2 600 4 Stun Setting
Beskad Melee Melee 3 2 Engaged 4 2 (R) 6,500 8 Cortosis, Cumbersome 3, Sunder, Vicious 3
GALAAR-15 Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 2 Long 4 4 1,100 7 Accurate 1, Stun Setting
EE-3 Energy Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Medium 3 3 1,500 6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Sabercane Hilt Lightsaber Hilt Lightsaber 0 - Engaged 1 3 500 6 Accurate 1
Kal Dagger Melee Melee 2 2 Engaged 1 1 (R) 4,000 8 Cortosis, Sunder, Vicious 2
Nightsister Energy Bow Energy Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Medium 4 2 (R) 2,800 8 Pierce 4, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 2
DE-10 Energy Ranged [Light] 6 2 Long 1 2 1,400 8 Accurate 1, Stun Setting
Crushgaunts Brawl Brawl 4 2 Engaged 1 0 (R) 5,000 8 Cortosis, Sunder, Vicious 2
WESTAR-35 Energy Ranged [Light] 6 2 Medium 1 3 1,200 8 Accurate 1, Stun Setting
Sabercane Lightsaber Lightsaber 5 2 Engaged 1 3 10,000 10 Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder
Duskblade Melee Melee 3 3 Engaged 2 1 1,800 8 Pierce 2, Superior
DC-12u Energy Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Medium 3 3 (R) 1,600 7 Linked 1