Forged in Battle


System:Age of Rebellion



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Alliance Light Stealth Armor 0 2 (R) 2,200 3
Imperial Hazard Trooper Armor 0 3 (R) 18,000 4
Imperial Storm Commando Armor 0 2 (R) 5,000 4
Karflo Thinsuit 0 1 1,200 0
Rebel Heavy Battle Armor 1 2 (R) 6,000 5
Name Description
Dense Musculature Kyuzo are adapted for relatively high gravity, and can make bounding leaps on most other worlds. Once per round as a maneuver, a Kyuzo may suffer 3 strain to leap horizontally or vertically to any location within medium range.
Digging Claws Before using a maneuver to move, an Elom may spend a maneuver to dig, allowing the character to use that move maneuver to travel through loose soil or similar terrain. At the GM's discretion, this excavation can result in a low, narrow tunnel that others can use.
Hunter's Instincts When making a check for Initiative, a Shistavanen may make a Survival check instead of a Cool or Vigilance check.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Dynamic Actuator Pistons Reduce any Critical Hit a [VEHICLE] would suffer due to collisions by 30, to a minimum of 1.
Adveraries Armor
Name Defense Soak
Adversaries Gear
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Beam Splitter Weapon (R) 1,250 0 3 4
Built-in Blaster Sight Weapon 150 0 1 4
Galven Pattern Resequencing Weapon 1,000 0 2 5
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
Name Active Ranked Effect
Auto-Fire (Only) Passive false Must use Auto-fire; increase the difficulty of the attack by [DIFFICULTY]. If the attack hits the attacker can trigger Auto-fire. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times.Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire it deals an additional hit to the target.
Name Characteristic Type
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Ambush Active (Maneuver) false false
Barrage Passive true false
Blind Spot Passive false false
Body Guard Active (Maneuver) true false
Body Guard (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Body Guard (Supreme) Passive false false
Burly Passive true false
Conditioned Passive true false
Cunning Snare Active (Action) false false
Heavy Hitter Active (Incidental) false false
Heroic Resilience Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Moving Target Passive true false
One with Nature Passive false false
Prey on the Weak Passive true false
Prime Positions Passive true false
Rain of Death Active (Maneuver) false false
Seize the Initiative Active (Maneuver) false false
Suppressing Fire Passive true false
Vehicle Attachments
Name Price HP Rarity
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
High-Altitude Entry Transport-221 Airspeeder 3 4 0 HAET-221 Mekuun Corporation 3 20 5 50,000 4 1 3
Imperial Dropship Transport Airspeeder 3 4 -1 IDT Rothana Heavy Engineering 2 16 18 (R) 42,500 5 1 2
Low Altitude Assault Transport LAAT/c (Carrier) Airspeeder 3 4 -2 LAAT Rothana Heavy Engineering 1 15 2 (R) 75,000 4 1 2
Low Altitude Assault Transport LAAT/I (Infantry) Airspeeder 3 4 -1 LAAT Rothana Heavy Engineering 6 30 30 (R) 85,000 4 2 9
HAVr A9 Floating Fortress Armored Personnel Carrier 3 1 -1 HAVr A9 Ubrikkian Industries 4 40 10 (R) 130,000 5 1 2
Imperial Troop Transport Armored Personnel Carrier 3 2 -2 Imperial Troop Transport Ubrikkian Industries 3 55 10 (R) 70,000 4 0 3
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer Heavy Assault Walker 4 1 -2 AT-TE Kuat Drive Yards 8 40 20 (R) 100,000 4 2 5
SC2-M Repulsor Tank Heavy Landspeeder 3 2 0 SC2-M Rothana Heavy Engineering 2 25 1 (R) 65,000 5 2 1
Arrow-23 Landspeeder Landspeeder 3 2 -1 Arrow-23 Aratech Repulsor Company 2 20 4 10,800 3 4 0
Baktoid Versatile-Athletic "Zalaaca" Walker Reconnaissance Walker 2 3 -2 Versatile-Athletic Walker Baktoid Industrial Systems 1 9 1 14,500 8 1 1
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Z-6 Rotary Cannon Energy Ranged [Heavy] 12 4 Long 6 3 (R) 3,000 7 Auto-Fire (Only), Cumbersome 3, Prepare 1
SE-14c Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 2 650 6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
DH-17 Blaster Carbine Energy Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Medium 2 3 900 6 Auto-Fire, Inaccurate 1, Stun Setting
A280 C Heavy Blaster Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 4 Long 5 2 1,800 7 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3, Stun Setting
Pulse Cannon Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Extreme 5 1 (R) 2,750 6 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Slow-Firing 1
T-7 Ion Disruptor Energy Ranged [Heavy] 12 2 Long 6 2 (R) 8,000 9 Blast 6, Breach 2, Cumbersome 3, Slow-Firing 1, Vicious 6
Kyuzo Energy Bow Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 4 Long 6 1 2,400 8 Cumbersome 3, Knockdown, Pierce 5
J-10 Dual Blaster Cannon Energy Gunnery 13 2 Long 8 3 (R) 6,750 7 Cumbersome 5, Inaccurate 1, Linked 1
Reciprocating Quad Blaster Cannon Energy Gunnery 10 2 Long 8 4 (R) 9,950 8 Auto-Fire (Only), Breach 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1, Prepare 2
Atgar SpaceDefense 1.8 FD Autoturret Energy Gunnery 17 2 Extreme 25 0 (R) 12,000 6 Auto-Fire, Slow-Firing 1, Limited Ammo 8
SH-9 Slugthrower Pistol Slugthrowers Ranged [Light] 4 5 Short 1 0 250 4 Limited Ammo 5, Pierce 2
Berserker Rifle Slugthrowers Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Medium 4 0 (R) 600 5 Burn 1, Cumbersome 3, Disorient 1
Imperial Heavy Repeater Slugthrowers Ranged [Heavy] 8 4 Medium 3 2 (R) 1,500 7 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 4
Shaped Thermal Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 20 2 Short 1 0 (R) 3,500 8 Breach 2, Limited Ammo 1, Vicious 5
CSPL-12 Projectile Launcher Other Ranged [Light] 8 4 Medium 2 2 (R) 1,200 6 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 3
LJ-50 Concussion Rifle Other Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Medium 6 2 (R) 2,000 7 Blast 4, Concussive 2, Cumbersome 3, Knockdown, Limited Ammo 4
aKraB Clip-Point Vibrodagger Melee Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 1 550 5 Pierce 3, Vicious 1
Kyuzo War Shield Melee Melee 1 4 Engaged 3 0 750 8 Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Disorient 1
Shistavanen Combat Utility Vibroblade Melee Melee 1 2 Engaged 2 0 600 7 Pierce 2, Vicious 1