Force and Destiny Beginner Game - Rulebook


System:Force and Destiny



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Armored Clothing 1 1 1,000 3
Armored Robes 1 2 (R) 4,500 5
Concealing Robes 0 1 150 1
Heavy Clothing 0 1 50 1
Padded Armor 0 2 500 2
Name Description
Force Power Sense Sense the Force interacting with the world.
Force-Sensitive Negotiation add [BOOST] to any Negotiation or Streetwise checks unless the target is immune to Force powers.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Adveraries Armor
Name Defense Soak
Adversaries Gear
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Fallen Apprentice Rival Coercion 2, Discipline 3, Lightsaber 3, Resilience 2, Stealth 2 Adversary 1, Force Rating 1, Soft Spot Dark Side Force User Basic Lightsaber, Black Robes
Fallen Master Nemesis Athletics 2, Coercion 3, Discipline 4, Lore 2, Leadership 2, Lightsaber 4, Resilience 3 Adversary 2, Force Rating 3, Hawk Bat Swoop, Reflect (Improved), Parry 5, Reflect 5 Dark Side Force User Black Robes, Double-bladed mephite lightsaber
Grizzled Trader Rival Deception 2, Knowledge 1, Negotiation 2, Streetwise 1 Black Market Contacts 1, Force Rating 1 Force-Sensitive Negotiation Blaster Pistol
Guilded Bounty Hunter Rival Cool 2, Melee 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Perception 2, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2, Survival 2 Expert Tracker 1, Quick Draw None Armored Clothing, Bola, Disruptor Pistol, Jet Pack, Stun Grenade, Utility Belt
Imperial Stormtrooper Minion Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Ranged [Heavy] None None Blaster Rifle, Extra Reload, Frag Grenade, Stormtrooper Armor, Utility Belt, Vibroknife
Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant Rival Athletics 2, Discipline 2, Leadership 3, Melee 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 Tactical Direction Extra Reload, Frag Grenade, Heavy Blaster Rifle, Stormtrooper Armor, Utility Belt, Vibroknife
Probe Droid Rival Perception 4, Ranged [Light] 2 None Droid, Hoverer, Self-destruct Mechanism Heavy Blaster Pistol, Holo-Messenger, Life Form Scanner, Long-range terrain scanner
Street Tough Minion Melee, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light], Skullduggery None None Blaster Pistol, Slugthrower Rifle, Truncheon
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Stalking Acklay Nemesis Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Coordination 2 Adversary 1 Amphibious, Silhouette 2, Six-armed Large Claws
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
Comlink (handheld) Communications 25 0 0
Electrobinoculars Detection Devices 250 1 1
General Purpose Scanner Detection Devices 500 2 3
Hand Scanner Detection Devices 100 0 2
Macrobinoculars Detection Devices 75 1 2
Emergency Medpac Medical 100 1 1
Medpac Medical 400 2 2
Stimpack Medical 25 0 1
Binders Security 25 0 0
Disguise Kit Security 100 2 4
Electronic Lock Breaker Security (R) 1,000 1 5
Restraining Bolt Security 35 0 0
Backpack Storage 50 0 0
Breath Masks and Respirators Survival 25 1 1
Ration Packs Survival 5 0 0
Space Suit Survival 100 4 1
Datapad Tools 75 1 1
Emergency Repair Patch Tools 25 0 1
Extra Reload Tools 25 1 1
Glow Rod Tools 10 1 0
Tool Kit Tools 350 4 2
Name Active Ranked Effect
Auto-Fire Active false Increase the difficulty of the attack by [DIFFICULTY]. If the attack hits the attacker can trigger Auto-fire. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times.Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire it deals an additional hit to the target.
Blast Active true If the attack is successful and Blast activates, each character (friend or foe) Engaged with the original target sufferes wounds equal to the weapon's Blast rating.
Breach Passive true Ignore one point of Armor for every rank of Breach
Cumbersome Passive true The character needs a Brawn characteristic equal to or greater than the weapon's Cumbersome rating.
Disorient Active true The target is disoriented for a number of rounds equal to the weapon's Disorient rating.
Knockdown Active false The target is knocked prone.
Limited Ammo Passive true May be used to make a number of attacks equal to it's Limited Ammo rating before it must be reloaded.
Pierce Passive true Ignores one point of Soak for each rank of Pierce
Stun Damage Passive false Weapon deals damage as strain instead of wounds.
Name Characteristic Type
Astrogation Intellect General
Athletics Brawn General
Brawl Brawn Combat
Charm Presence General
Coercion Willpower General
Computers Intellect General
Cool Presence General
Coordination Agility General
Deception Cunning General
Discipline Willpower General
Gunnery Agility Combat
Knowledge Intellect Knowledge
Leadership Presence General
Lightsaber Brawn Combat
Mechanics Intellect General
Medicine Intellect General
Melee Brawn Combat
Negotiation Presence General
Perception Cunning General
Piloting Agility General
Ranged [Heavy] Agility Combat
Ranged [Light] Agility Combat
Resilience Brawn General
Skullduggery Cunning General
Stealth Agility General
Streetwise Cunning General
Survival Cunning General
Vigilance Willpower General
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Adversary Passive true false
Body Guard Active (Maneuver) true false
Circle of Shelter Passive false true
Codebreaker Passive true false
Defensive Stance Active (Maneuver) true false
Dodge Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Force Rating Passive true true
Grit Passive true false
Intimidating Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Natural Hunter Active (Incidental) false false
One With the Universe Active (Action) false true
Parry Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Parry (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Plausible Deniability Passive true false
Quick Draw Active (Incidental) false false
Rapid Reaction Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true false
Rapid Recovery Passive true false
Reflect Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) true true
Reflect (Improved) Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
Second Wind Active (Incidental) true false
Sense Advantage Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false true
Sense Emotions Passive false true
Sleight of Mind Passive false true
Soft Spot Active (Incidental) false false
Surgeon Passive true false
Toughened Passive true false
Uncanny Reactions Passive true true
Valuable Facts Active (Action) false false
Well Rounded Passive true false
Vehicle Attachments
Name Price HP Rarity
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Brass Knuckles Brawl Brawl 1 4 Engaged 1 0 25 0 Disorient 3
Blaster Carbine Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium 3 4 850 5 Stun Setting
Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium 1 3 400 4 Stun Setting
Blaster Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Long 4 4 900 5 Stun Setting
Disruptor Rifle Energy Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Long 5 4 (R) 5,000 6 Cumbersome 2, Vicious 5
Heavy Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 3 700 6 Stun Setting
Heavy Repeating Blaster Energy Gunnery 15 2 Long 9 4 (R) 6,000 8 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Holdout Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 200 4 Stun Setting
Light Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 5 4 Medium 1 2 300 4 Stun Setting
Frag Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 8 4 Short 1 0 50 5 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Stun Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 8 - Short 1 0 75 4 Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Blast 8, Limited Ammo 1
Basic Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber 6 2 Engaged 1 5 (R) 9,300 10 Breach 1, Sunder
Ancient Sword Melee Lightsaber 2 3 Engaged 3 1 350 8 Defensive 1
Force Pike Melee Melee 3 2 Engaged 3 3 500 4 Pierce 2, Stun Setting
Truncheon Melee Melee 2 5 Engaged 2 0 15 1 Disorient 2
Vibroknife Melee Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 2 250 3 Pierce 2, Vicious 1