Desperate Allies


System:Age of Rebellion



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Banal Apparel 0 0 25 0
Cargo Clothing 0 0 30 1
Diplomat's Robes 0 0 400 2
Flare Jacket 0 1 1,500 3
Hauling Harness 1 1 1,000 3
Holographic Costume 1 0 750 2
Lector's Outfit 0 1 525 2
Noble Regalia 0 0 750 1
Performer's Attire 0 0 50 0
Powered Capacitive Armor 1 1 (R) 3,000 4
Resplendent Robes 0 1 500 2
Second Skin Armor 1 1 2,000 2
Name Description
Advanced Language Module When encountering a new speries or language not in its databases, a TC-series protocol droid may make an Easy Knowledge [Education] check to learn enough of the new dilect to communicate.
Insectoid Appearance LOM-series protocol droids allow allies to remove [SETBACK] from Negotiation checks or other checks made to negotiate mor mediate when dealing with insectoid species.
Memnii Once per game session, a Caamasi may orm a new memnis that encompasses one scene or encounter. At any time, a Caamasi may perfectly recall any memnis that he has formed or witnessed, or share it with another Caamasi or a Force-sensitive character.
Military Analyst M-3PO-series military protocol droids allow allies to add pBOOST] to any Knowledge (Warfare) checks that benifit from an understanding of logistics or military procedure.
Rhetorical Mimic May make Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks using the characteristics and skills of its master; such checks suffer [SETBACK][SETBACK] due to the imperfect mimicry, and the droid does not benefit from any relevant talents that its master possesses.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Adveraries Armor
Name Defense Soak
Adversaries Gear
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
3PX-Series Protocol Droid Rival Charm 1, Education 3, Outer Rim 3, Xenology 3, Negotiation 2 None Droid, Etiquette and Protocol None
5YQ-Series Protocol Droid Rival Charm 1, Education 1, Core Worlds 1, Lore 1, Outer Rim 1, Underworld 1, Warfare 1, Xenology 1 None Droid, Etiquette and Protocol None
CZ-Series Communications/Business Droid Rival Education 3, Core Worlds 2, Negotiation 4, Perception 1 None Droid, Etiquette and Protocol Comlink (long range), Inbuilt Datapad
LOM-Series Protocol Droid Rival Charm 2, Education 3, Outer Rim 2, Xenology 3, Negotiation 2 None Droid, Etiquette and Protocol, Insectoid Appearance None
LRD-Series Envoy Droid Rival Charm 2, Education 2, Negotiation 2, Perception 2 None Droid, Rhetorical Mimic None
M-3PO-Series Military Protocol Droid Rival Discipline 1, Education 3, Warfare 3, Vigilance 2 None Droid, Military Analyst None
TC-Series Protocol Droid Rival Charm 2, Education 3, Xenology 3, Negotiation 1, Perception 2 None Advanced Language Module, Droid, Etiquette and Protocol None
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
3PX-Series Protocol Droid Droids 7,750 0 4
5YQ-Series Protocol Droid Droids 5,500 0 3
CZ-Series Communications/Business Droid Droids 9,000 0 4
LOM-Series Protocol Droid Droids 8,500 0 5
LRD-Series Envoy Droid Droids 15,000 0 5
M-3PO-Series Military Protocol Droid Droids (R) 12,000 0 5
TC-Series Protocol Droid Droids 10,000 0 4
Antidote Set Medical 250 1 5
Poisoner's Ring Poison (R) 500 0 7
Authentication Tools Security 100 1 5
Communications Media Manipulator Security 400 6 6
Concealed Recorder Security 175 0 5
Data Dead Drop Security (R) 150 0 7
Falsified Credentials Security (R) 800 0 7
Forgery Tools Security (R) 650 2 8
Security Sweeper Security 400 1 6
Sound Dampener Security 600 2 7
Sleight Box Storage (R) 400 2 6
Knack Tools (R) 750 0 8
Cultural Etiquette Manual Tools 35 0 3
Diplomatic Authorization Tools (R) 10,000 0 8
Expensive Jewelry Tools 2,000 0 7
Insider's Guide Tools 25 0 2
Integrated Public Address System Tools 200 4 4
Merr-Sonn "Rider" Ascension Pistol Tools 275 1 4
Signet Ring Tools 750 0 7
Species Database Tools 150 2 2
Name Active Ranked Effect
Name Characteristic Type
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
J-Type Diplomatic Barge Barge 5 4 1 J-Type Nubia Star Drives true 5 180 10 1,000,000 7 0 0
MC-18 Light Freighter Light Freighter 4 3 0 MC-18 Mon Calamari Shipyards true 2 150 5 140,000 6 2 1
Curich-Class Shuttle Shuttle 5 3 0 Curich Sienar Fleet Systems true 3 300 50 (R) 130,000 5 2 1
Kappa-Class Shuttle Shuttle 4 3 0 Kappa Republic Sienar Systems true 4 250 40 (R) 110,000 5 2 3
Baudo-Class Star Yacht Yacht 4 4 1 Baudo Mendel Baudo Shipyards true 2 60 8 250,000 9 6 1
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Bad Press Active (Action) false false
Blackmail Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Contingency Plan Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Cutting Question Active (Incidental) false false
Discredit Active (Action) false false
Encoded Communique Passive false false
Encouraging Words Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
In the Know Passive true false
In the Know (Improved) Active (Action) false false
Informant Active (Incidental) false false
Interjection Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Plausible Deniability (Improved) Active (Action) false false
Positive Spin Passive true false
Positive Spin (Improved) Active (Action) false false
Researcher (Improved) Passive false false
Supporting Evidence Passive true false
Thorough Assesment Active (Action) false false
Twisted Words Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) false false
Valuable Facts Active (Action) false false
Vehicle Attachments
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
HA-5 Aerial Retreat Aerial Retreat 5 1 -5 HA-5 Hyrotii Engineering 16 250 16 750,000 6 3 0
Hyperfoil 1000-XTC Airspeeder 2 3 0 XTC Tion Industries 1 15 2 12,500 4 1 0
8880 Luxury Landspeeder Landspeeder 3 2 -1 8880 Ubrikkian Industries 1 30 6 40,000 7 2 0
V-35 Courier Landspeeder 2 1 0 V-35 SoroSuub Corporation 1 20 2 5,500 2 2 0
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
Defender Sporting Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 5 3 Medium 1 1 650 6 Stun Setting, Accurate 1
ELG-3A Blaster Pistol Energy Ranged [Light] 6 4 Short 1 0 400 5 Stun Setting
Military Holdout Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 6 3 Short 1 0 500 5 Stun Setting
Brennkeyes Syndicate Knockout Mine Explosives Ranged [Light] 6 - Short 1 0 200 6 Stun Damage, Limited Ammo 1
Goseia HIC "Mercy" Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 5 - Short 1 0 175 8 Blast 5, Stun Damage, Limited Ammo 1
Merr-Sonn N-4 Noise Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 4 6 Short 1 0 150 5 Blast 4, Stun Damage, Concussive 1, Limited Ammo 1
SoroSuub Wipe-3 Data-Purge Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 0 - Short 1 0 100 7 Limited Ammo 1
Ceremonial Blade Melee Melee 2 3 Engaged 2 3 650 7 Defensive 1
Needle Gloves Melee Brawl 0 5 Engaged 1 0 (R) 750 5
Staff of Office Melee Melee 2 4 Engaged 3 2 350 6 Defensive 1, Disorient 2
Stealth Vibroknife Melee Melee 1 2 Engaged 1 1 350 6 Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Sword Cane Melee Melee 2 3 Engaged 2 1 475 6 Defensive 1