Lords of Nal Hutta


System:Edge of the Empire



Name Defense Soak Price Encum.
Hutt Shell Armor 2 2 (R) 25,000 6
Sakiyan Shadowsuit 0 1 2,500 1
Name Description
Acidic drool As an incidental, spend a dark side Destiny Point to give the toothy bite weapon the Burn 2 quality until the end of the [SPECIES]'s turn; this is a chemical burn.
Barbed Hide When a rass is hit by a melee attack, the GM can spend [THREAT][THREAT] to inflict 1 wound [ignoring soak] on the attacker.
Bite at Their Heels When engaged with a target, allies recieve [BOOST] to combat checks made against the engaged target.
Blessing of the Acients Once per game session as an incidental, the elder may have a character within short range heal 4 wounds.
Brute Strength May add [ADVANTAGE] to all Brawn-related skill checks.
Crystalline Does not need to breathe and can survive in vacuum and underwater; immune to poisons and toxins.
Cybernetic communications Due to their cybernetic modifications, Ganks can communicate silently with other Ganks
Drain Life Whenever a shaoryn inflicts damage on a target after soak, it heals half that many wounds [rounded up]
Hard to Kill The GM may flip aone dark side Destiny Point to have the Kintan Strider heal 5 wounds.
Humming Vibrations As an action, may make an Opposed Charm vs. Discipline check against a target at up to medium range to disorient the target for a number of rounds equal to [SUCCESS]; may spend [ADVANTAGE][ADVANTAGE][ADVANTAGE] or [TRIUMPH] to stagger the target for 1 round instead
Huttese Hutt security droid neither speaks nor understands Basic
Kajain'sa'Nikto When making skill checks, Red Niktos mar remove [SETBACK] imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions.
Loyalty Upgrade the difficulty of the social checks targeting the Vordan Enforcer's loyalty or interfere with his duty to his Hutt masters
Olfactory perception Gain a [BOOST] on all Survival checks made to trak prey, and adds [SETBACK] to enemy Stealth checks made against the [SPECIES]
Pheromone Communication Weequay may communicate with other Weequay using pheromones if they are within short range of each other.
Photonic Burst Once per encounter as an action, [SPECIES] can unleash a pulse of light from its body; all targets within short range are disoriented for two turns.
Poisonous Any creature that successfully hits the amphibipole with a successful unarmed attack must succeed at a Hard Resilience check or be poisoned, suffering 3 wounds at the beginning of his turn for the next three rounds [this ignores soak]
Reckless Strike As an incidental, once per round, the GM may have the Kintan Strider reroll a Brawl or Melee check; if he does so, the Kintan Strider loses the benefits of the Adversary and Durable talents until the beginning of its next turn.
Stinky While within short range of a Huttlet, non-Hutt characters reduce their strain thresholds by 2.
Additional Rules
Name Description
Adveraries Armor
Adversaries Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Ceremonial shamshir Melee 2 3 Engaged Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Ceremonial Sword Melee 1 3 Engaged
Cortosis Sword Melee 3 3 Engaged Cortosis, Sunder, Vicious 1
Crude club Melee 3 3 Engaged Disorient 1, Inferior, Knockdown
Farming Implement Melee 1 6 Engaged Disorient 1
Integrated Vibroblade Melee 2 2 Engaged Defensive 1, Pierce 2
Scrap crossbow Ranged [Light] 5 5 Medium Inferior, Vicious 1
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
A0-2 Nemesis Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Cool 3, Melee 4, Perception 3, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 4 Lethal Blows 3, Precise Aim 2, Targeted Blow Droid Blaster Rifle, Integrated Comlink, Integrated Vibroblade, Laminate Armor
Ancient Hutt Security Droid Rival Melee 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Vigilance 3 None Droid, Huttese Blaster Carbine, Vibrosword
Boddah Venik Rin Rival Charm 2, Coercion 3, Cool 2, Deception 3, Discipline 2, Underworld 3, Perception 2, Negotiation 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 2 Kill with Kindness 1, Plausible Deniability 1 None Fine Robes, Holdout Blaster, Narcotic Inhaler
Captain Gideon Nemesis Cool 2, Deception 3, Gunnery 2, Underworld 2, Melee 3, Negotiation 2, Piloting [Space] 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Stealth 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 2, Nobody's Fool 2, Skilled Jockey 2 None Breath Masks and Respirators, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor, Utility Belt, Vibrosword
Corte Voss Nemesis Astrogation 2, Brawl 2, Cool 3, Charm 3, Negotiation 2, Piloting [Space] 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Streetwise 2 Adversary 1, Quick Draw, Rapid Reaction 2, Soft Spot None Datapad, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing
Corte's Smuggler Crew Minion Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Gunnery, Ranged [Light] None None Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing
Domdees Rival Charm 3, Deception 3, Outer Rim 2, Underworld 3, Negotiation 3 Smooth Talker 1 Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Puffy Chef's Hat, Spatula, Utility Apron
Evocii Minion Coordination, Survival, Vigilance None None Heavy Clothing, Scrap crossbow
Fereallis Pirate Crewmate Rival Brawl 1, Cool 2, Gunnery 1, Ranged [Light] 3, Vigilance 1 None None Breath Masks and Respirators, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor, Shock Gloves, Vibroknife
Fondo, Tyss, ans Plaado Minion Brawl, Melee, Ranged [Light], Vigilance Quick Strike 1 None Blaster Pistol, Combat Knife, Heavy Clothing
Gank Hunter Rival Athletics 1, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Melee 1, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Stealth 1, Vigilance 2 Rapid Reaction 1 Cybernetic communications Heavy Battle Armor, Heavy Blaster Rifle, Vibroknife
Graayl Nor Nemesis Deception 3, Underworld 2, Perception 2, Piloting [Space] 2, Ranged [Light] 3, Skullduggery 2, Streetwise 2 Adversary 1 None Brass Knuckles, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor
Graayl's Thugs Rival Cool 1, Perception 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Survival 2, Vigilance 1 Quick Draw None Blaster Pistol, Padded Armor
Hutt Majordomo Rival Charm 2, Coercion 3, Cool 2, Deception 3, Discipline 2, Underworld 3, Leadership 2, Perception 2, Negotiation 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 2 Intimidating 2, Nobody's Fool 1, Plausible Deniability 1 None Fine Clothing
Huttlet Minion Brawl, Resilience Durable 1 Awkward, Stinky None
King Maalva Nemesis Charm 3, Coercion 4, Deception 4, Discipline 4, Outer Rim 2, Underworld 2, Leadership 3, Negotiation 4, Streetwise 3 Nobody's Fool 1, Plausible Deniability 2, Scathing Tirade Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Armored Clothing, Ceremonial Sword, Encrypted credit voucher with 50,000 credits, Royal Crown
Kintan Strider Rival Brawl 2, Melee 2, Survival 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Durable 5 Hard to Kill, Reckless Strike Crude club
Klatooinian Elder Nemesis Charm 1, Coercion 2, Cool 2, Deception 2, Discipline 3, Lore 4, Leadership 3, Melee 1, Negotiation 2, Vigilance 3 Adversary 2, Inspiring Rhetoric, Nobody's Fool 2, Plausible Deniability 2 Blessing of the Acients Ceremonial shamshir
Klatooinian Paddy Frog Minion Athletics, Stealth, Survival None Amphibious, Silhouette 0 None
Klatooinian Thug Minion Melee, Perception, Ranged [Light], Vigilance None None Blaster Pistol, Heavy Clothing, Vibroknife
Mature Hutt Rival Athletics 1, Charm 1, Coercion 2, Cool 1, Deception 2, Discipline 2, Outer Rim 1, Underworld 2, Melee 1, Ranged [Light] 1, Resilience 5 Convincing Demeanor 1, Durable 2, Nobody's Fool 1 Awkward, Ponderous None
Morgukai Adept Nemesis Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Cool 1, Deception 2, Discipline 1, Melee 3, Resilience 1, Survival 2, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1, Lethal Blows 2 Kajain'sa'Nikto Morgukai Cortosis Staff
Nikto Enforcer Rival Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Melee 1, Perception 1, Resilience 1, Survival 1 None None Armored Clothing, Tuskbeast Pike
Raquor'Daan Beastmaster Rival Melee 2, Perception 1, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Resilience 3, Survival 3 None Pheromone Communication Beastmaster's Vibro-Glaive, Blaster Carbine
Sakiyan Bounty Hunter Rival Athletics 1, Coordination 1, Perception 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Vigilance 1 Expert Tracker 2 None Binders, Sakiyan Shadowsuit, SakTek D-29 Repulsor Rifle
Savo and Camerlin Rival Cool 2, Melee 3, Perception 2, Ranged [Light] 3, Vigilance 2 None None Armored Clothing, Blaster Pistol, Comlink (handheld), Datapad, Scanner Goggles, Utility Belt
Shalo Sherin Nemesis Charm 3, Coercion 3, Deception 4, Underworld 2, Leadership 3, Negotiation 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 3 Adversary 1, Gang Leader, Smooth Talker 1 None Fine Clothing, Light Blaster Pistol, Personal Deflector Shield
Swamptrooper Minion Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Perception, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light], Survival, Vigilance None None Blaster Carbine, Electrobinoculars, Extra Reload, Frag Grenade, Rebreather, Swamptrooper Armor
T'Landa Til Charlatan Rival Brawl 1, Charm 3, Deception 3 Blooded 2 Humming Vibrations None
Thamoss Nemesis Brawl 3, Underworld 2, Negotiation 3, Perception 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 1 Trandoshan Claws Comlink (handheld), Disruptor Pistol, Holdout Blaster, Padded Armor
Thamoss's Security Guards Minion Deception, Perception, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light], Vigilance Quick Strike 1 None Armored Clothing, Blaster Carbine, Blaster Pistol, Combat Knife, Comlink (handheld), Thermal Cloak
Torani Kulda Nemesis Athletics 2, Coercion 3, Cool 2, Perception 2, Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 2, Survival 3 Adversary 1, Soft Spot None Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Comlink (handheld), Utility Belt, Vibroknife
Toydarian Farmer Minion Athletics, Melee, Negotiation, Survival None Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Farming Implement
Toydarian Merchant Rival Charm 2, Cool 2, Deception 3, Negotiation 2, Perception 3, Streetwise 2 Natural Negotiator, Nobody's Fool 1 Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Dataslate, Holdout Blaster, Loaded Chance Cubes
Toydarian Royal Guard Rival Discipline 4, Melee 2, Perception 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Vigilance 3 Body Guard 1 Hoverer, Silhouette 0 Blaster Rifle, Cortosis Sword, Electro-visor, Frag Grenade, Padded Armor
Venerable Hutt Nemesis Athletics 1, Charm 2, Coercion 3, Cool 2, Deception 3, Discipline 3, Outer Rim 2, Underworld 2, Melee 1, Negotiation 3, Ranged [Light] 1, Resilience 5 Convincing Demeanor 2, Durable 2, Nobody's Fool 2 Awkward, Ponderous None
Vordan Enforcer Rival Athletics 1, Melee 1, Perception 1, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Survival 1, Vigilance 1 None Loyalty Vodran Hunting Rifle
Name Category Price Encum. HP Rarity
Blaster Suppressor Weapon (R) 750 0 1 5
Poison Reservoir Weapon (R) 400 0 1 5
Threat Monitor Armor Attachments 750 0 1 4
Name Level Skills Talents Abilities Equipment
Adult Chemilizard Rival Brawl 3, Resilience 2, Vigilance 2 None Acidic drool, Silhouette 3 Toothy bite
Grabworm Minion Brawl, Survival, Vigilance None Crushing Grip Bite, Lashing Appendages
Greater Dianoga Nemesis Brawl 3, Perception 2, Stealth 5, Survival 3, Vigilance 3 Adversary 2 Amphibious, Crushing Grip Tentacles
Houk Thug Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Deception 1, Melee 3, Resilience 2, Stealth 1 None Brute Strength Fists
Massiff Rival Brawl 3, Perception 2, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 Adversary 1 None Claws, Tearing Fangs
Photon Spider Minion Athletics, Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance None Crystalline, Photonic Burst, Silhouette 2 Bladed legs
Pybus Amphibipole Minion Brawl, Ranged [Light], Stealth None Amphibious, Poisonous, Silhouette 0 Claws, Tounge
Raqor'Daan (Dark Wolves) Rival Brawl 3, Perception 2, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 1 None Bite at Their Heels Slashing Claws, Venomous Stinger
Rass Nemesis Brawl 2, Perception 3, Survival 3, Vigilance 2 None Barbed Hide, Silhouette 2 Deadly Fangs, Rending Claws
Shaoryn Rival Brawl 2, Deception 4, Discipline 2, Stealth 3 Adversary 1 Drain Life, Force Power Influence Grasping Limbs
Skuir Fish Rival Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Resilience 2, Survival 1 None Aquatic only Creature, Silhouette 2 Razor Pinciers, Toothy Jaws
Small Dianoga Rival Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1, Vigilance 1 None Amphibious, Crushing Grip Tentacles
The Lost Rival Brawl 2, Coercion 2, Discipline 2, Resilience 5, Vigilance 2 Durable 3 Ponderous None
Vrblthers Minion Athletics, Brawl, Resilience, Stealth, Survival None Olfactory perception Powerful claws
Creatures Weapons
Name Skill Damage Crit Range Special
Grabworm Bite Brawl 1 4 Engaged Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Photon Spider Bladed legs Brawl 3 3 Engaged Vicious 2
Massiff Claws Brawl 2 3 Engaged Knockdown
Pybus Amphibipole Claws Brawl 2 4 Engaged Linked 1, Pierce 2
Rass Deadly Fangs Brawl 1 3 Engaged Vicious 2
Houk Fists Brawl 0 5 Engaged Disorient 1, Knockdown
Shaoryn Grasping Limbs Brawl 2 5 Engaged Ensnare 3
Grabworm Lashing Appendages Brawl 2 4 Engaged Ensnare 3, Knockdown
Vrblthers Powerful claws Brawl 4 3 Engaged Knockdown, Sunder
Skuir Fish Razor Pinciers Brawl 3 5 Short Ensnare, Pierce 4
Rass Rending Claws Brawl 4 5 Short Knockdown, Sunder
Raquor'Daan Slashing Claws Brawl 2 3 Engaged Disorient 1, Pierce 1
Massiff Tearing Fangs Brawl 0 2 Engaged Vicious 3
Chemilizard Toothy bite Brawl 2 3 Engaged Pierce 3
Skuir Fish Toothy Jaws Brawl 7 2 Engaged Vicious 3
Pybus Amphibipole Tounge Brawl 1 3 Short Ensnare, Slow-Firing 1
Raquor'Daan Venomous Stinger Brawl 3 4 Engaged Pierce 1, Stun Damage
Name Category Price Encumbrance Rarity
Nala Tree Frog Consumables 15 1 5
Adrenal Implant Cybernetics 2,250 0 5
Cybernetic Reflexes Cybernetics 2,750 0 5
Cybernetic Respirator Cybernetics 2,000 0 4
Gank Comm Implant Cybernetics 250 0 7
Implanted Cyberjack Cybernetics 3,750 0 6
Neuromachine Interface Cybernetics (R) 3,500 0 6
Q-22 Retinal Tracker Cybernetics 2,500 0 6
Repulsor Fist Cybernetics 4,750 0 7
Gunjack Spice (1 dose) Drugs (R) 75 1 5
Gunjack Spice (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 8,500 25 7
Marcan Herb (1 dose) Drugs 20 1 4
Marcan Herb (100 dose cargo container) Drugs 1,750 25 5
Neutron Pixie (1 dose) Drugs (R) 100 1 6
Neutron Pixie (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 8,500 25 7
Ryll (1 dose) Drugs (R) 50 1 4
Ryll (100 dose cargo container) Drugs (R) 4,500 25 5
Dendriton Toxin Poison (R) 125 0 7
Dioxis Gas Poison (R) 100 0 6
Raquor Venom Poison (R) 150 0 7
Loaded Chance Cubes Recreational (R) 100 1 5
Marked Sabacc Deck Recreational (R) 500 1 6
Explosive Shackles Security (R) 500 2 6
Thalassian Security Collar Security (R) 300 1 5
Ardos Disk Tools (R) 10,000 1 5
Credit Cleaner Tools (R) 2,500 12 7
Microdata P-2 Pocket Attache Tools 800 1 6
Name Active Ranked Effect
Name Characteristic Type
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Manufacturer Hyperdrive Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Ubrikkian Industries Kossak-Class Frigate Frigate 6 3 -2 Kossak-Class Ubrikkian Industries true 975 3500 90 8,300,000 7 3 30
MandalMotors M22-T Krayt Gunship Patrol Boat 4 4 -1 M22-T Krayt MandalMotors true 2 20 2 185,000 6 2 3
HH-87 Starhopper Starfighter Starfighter 3 4 1 HH-87 Starhopper MandalMotors true 1 6 0 50,000 4 2 1
MandalMotors M3-A Scyk Interceptor Starfighter 3 5 2 M3-A Scyk MandalMotors true 1 4 0 55,000 4 2 1
Ubrikkian Industries Seltiss-2 Caravel Transport 4 3 -1 Seltiss-2 Ubrikkian Industries None 8 200 12 550,000 6 4 2
Y164 Slave Transport Transport 5 3 -2 Y164 Rendili StarDrive true 15 120 1200 245,000 6 3 2
Suwantek TL-1200 Transport Transport 5 3 -3 TL-1200 Suwantek Systems true 6 600 8 170,000 6 4 2
Ubrikkian Industries Modified Minstrel-Class Space Yacht Yacht 5 3 -1 Minstrel-Class Space Yacht Ubrikkian Industries true 37 800 75 1,750,000 7 3 12
Name Activation Ranked Force Sensitive
Gang Leader Active (Maneuver) false false
Vehicle Attachments
Name Price HP Rarity
Vehicle Weapons
Name Range Damage Crit Price Rarity Qualities Compat. Silhouette Notes
Name Category Silhouette Speed Handling Armor HTT SST Defense Sensors Model Navicomputer Crew Encumbrance Passengers Price Rarity HP Weapons Addl. Rules
Ubrikkian Industries Bantha-II Cargo Skiff Cargo Skiff 2 3 0 Bantha-II Ubrikkian Industries 1 250 16 8,000 4 2 0
Hutt Repulsorsled Gravsled 2 1 0 HF-2 SakTek, Inc. 1 20 2 8,000 3 3 1
Ubrikkian Industries Pongeeta-class Swamp Speeder Landspeeder 2 2 1 Pongeeta-class Ubrikkian Industries 1 15 2 6,000 3 2 0
Ubrikkian Industries Luxury-Class Sail Barge Sail Barge 4 2 -2 Luxury-class Ubrikkian Industries 26 1000 300 300,000 6 2 1
Name Category Skill Damage Crit Range Encumbrance HP Price Rarity Special
ACP Repeater Gun Energy Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Medium 3 1 1,000 6 Auto-Fire, Stun Setting
Boonta Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 6 3 Short 1 1 1,000 8 Stun Setting
Greff-Timms ATA Pulse-Wave Blaster Energy Ranged [Light] 5 3 Short 2 2 (R) 750 6 Vicious 3
SakTek D-29 Repulsor Rifle Energy Gunnery 8 4 Medium 3 3 1,550 7 Disorient 3, Knockdown, Stun Damage
Weequay Blaster Lance Energy Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Extreme 5 2 850 6 Accurate 1, Cumbersome 2
Kelvarek Consolidated Arms KD-30 "Dissuader" Pistol Slugthrowers Ranged [Light] 4 5 Short 2 0 350 6 Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Prax Arms Stealth-2VX Palm Shooter Slugthrowers Ranged [Light] 1 5 Short 0 0 300 5 Limited Ammo 3
Vodran Hunting Rifle Slugthrowers Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Long 4 2 800 7 Cumbersome 2
Poison Gas Grenade Grenade Ranged [Light] 0 - Short 1 0 50 5 Blast 2, Limited Ammo 1
Arg'garok Melee Melee 5 3 Engaged 5 3 1,000 7 Cumbersome 5, Inaccurate 1, Pierce 1, Sunder
Beastmaster's Vibro-Glaive Melee Melee 2 2 Engaged 3 3 975 6 Defensive 2, Pierce 3
Morgukai Cortosis Staff Melee Melee 8 1 Engaged 3 0 (R) 9,000 10 Breach 1, Cortosis, Defensive 1
Neuronic Whip Melee Melee 1 4 Short 1 1 750 6 Disorient 4, Ensnare 1, Stun Damage
Tuskbeast Pike Melee Melee 4 3 Engaged 3 1 1,050 8 Defensive 1, Knockdown
Tenloss L70 Acid Projector Other Ranged [Heavy] 6 2 Short 4 1 1,250 7 Blast 6, Burn 3, Vicious 1