Adversaries Gear
100 credits
2 emergency medpacs
2000 credits
250 credits
500 credits
8 stimpacks
Academy uniform
ASP-series labor droid
Aurodium Cane
Auxiliary Mechanics Equipment
bearsloth antivenom (2 doses)
bearsloth venom (1 dose)
bearsloth venom (10 doses)
bearsloth venom (2 doses)
bearsloth venom (5 doses)
BioTech borg construct Ax8
Borg Construct Aj^6 implant
Breath mask or space suit
Broken Hyperdrive motivator
Built-in diagnostic and surgical tools
Built-in General Purpose Scanner
Built-in Holoprojector
Built-in hyperspace transponder
Built-in Interrogation Drug Syringe
Built-in Long Range Comlink
Built-in network uplink
Built-in Physician's Kit
Built-in Repair Tools
Built-in sensors, holocam, and comlink
Business attire
City government datapad (encrypted)
City government ID
city-issued luxury airspeeder
Cleaning devices
Code cylinder
Colorful wrestling costume
Conservative Clothing
Cred stick with 2,000 credits
credit stick with 5000 credits
Cryostorage bay
curio shop
Cybernetic right arm, left eye, and right leg
Dancing attire
Dashing Cloak
Datapad of Imperial regulations
Datapad with direct access port
Datapad with schematics
Demolitions kit
Detention center administrator's uniform
Detention center prisoner uniform
Detention center uniform
Disassembly-capable Secure Military Comlink
Emergency Repair Kit
Encoded Datapad
Encrypted Comlink
Encrypted Credit Chip with 5,000--10,00- credits
Encrypted credit voucher with 50,000 credits
Encrypted Datapad
Encrypted datapad with Imperial holonet uplink
Expense voucher
Extensive credentials
Fabritech "Hound" Sensor Suite
Fabritech "Surveyor" Mapping and Surveying Suite
Fashionable clothing
Feathered mask
Fine Clothing
Fine Manipulator Arm
Fine Robes
Fine suit
Fire suppression equipment
Flamboyant clothing
Flight Suit
Flight suit and helmet
Flock of nerfs
Food and Water packs
Formal clothing
Glare Peak guard badge
Grabber claws
Guild Membership
Hypodermic Injectors
Imperial ID
Imperial Uniform
import/export shop keycard
Inbuilt Datapad
Inflammatory pamphlets and propaganda
Integrated Comlink
Integrated SecureTech "Nightsight" passive sensor suite
Internal Comlink
Interrogation Tools
ISB uniform
Kyber Crystal
Kyber crystal amulet
Lavishly adorned robes
Life Form Scanner
Long-Range Holnet Communicator
Long-range Sensor Array
Long-range terrain scanner
Low-light vision gear
Mercantile computer with holonet connection
Military Comlink
Minelayer with 24 anti-personnel mines
Mobquet Flare-V swoop bike with garish paint job
Morbo's Place cantina
Multispectrum disguise suite
Narcotic Inhaler
Officer's Uniform
Olfactory and microwave sensors
On-board Processor
Precision Electronic Forging Tools
Pet Bogwing ("Mordekai")
Pirate Queen's mask
Priestly robes
Protective goggles with built-in infrared vision
Puffy Chef's Hat
Quiver of Arrows
R2-series astromech droid
R5-series astromech droid
Recording Holocam
Repair Tools
RMS executive coverall
Rock-scanning Sensors
Royal Crown
Sabacc Deck
Scanner Suite
Scout Ship
Sealed Coveralls
Secure Comlink
Secure datapad with uplink to BoSS database
Sensory Augmentation Package
Servant Apron
Sorority Mask
Stolen credentials and encrypted expense voucher with 5,000 credits
Stolen gem (Eye of Corell)
Sundry Personal Staff
Synthflesh Applicator
Tayan staff
Travel Rations
Traveling Pack
Tribal Fetishes
Upper class clothing
Utility Apron
Utility Kit
Various tools
Workgang Uniform
Wresting costume
Wrist link with microtracker
Wrist-mounted comlink
Integrated Subspace Transceiver
Sensor Array
Various toxins and types of spice
Dooku Poppet Doll
Crystal Ball
Fusion Cutters
Integrated Rocket Pack
Custom Medkit containing tools for minor surgery
Head-Mounted Floodlight
Rocket Boots
Wrist gauntlets with integrated datapad and whipcord thrower
Tracker Utility Vest
Ichor Cauldron
Blades in an array of sizes
Cybernetic Legs
Rocket Pack
Robe of Office
Diplomatic Comlink
Secret Encrypted Comlink
Inflammatory Pamphlets and Propaganda
Long-Range HoloNet Communicator
Anti-Security Kit
Bandolier with Stachel
Modified YT-1300 Freighter Millenium Falcon
Built-in Comms Package with Communications Booster
Concealed Dataspike in hand
Built-in Repair Kit
Data Probe
Fire Extinguisher
Portable Ventilator
Cybernetic Right Foot Replacement
Rebel Flight Suit
X-Wing Starfighter
Gimer Stick
Encrypted Expense Voucher with 10,000 credits
Enhanced Helmet Optics
Integrated Med-Systems
Multiple Encrypted Comlinks
Assorted Objects D'Art
Gription Boots
Enhanced Optics Suite
Auzituck Anti-Slaver Gunship
Integrated Jetpack
Modified Firespray-31-class patrol craft Slave 1
Modified YV-666 Freighter Hound's Tooth
Survival Pack
Custom Swoop
Modified Jumpmaster 5000 Punishing One
Modified HK Heavy Duty Lifter Ark Angel
Integrated Medpac
Integrated Computer Interface
Electronic Forger's Kit and Tools
Stolen Transport
Ammo Bandolier
Modified Trilon Aggressor Assault Fighter IG-2000
Repulsor Sled
Customized Ubrikkian Industries Sail Barge Khetanna
Modified Ubrikkian Minstrel-class Space Yacht Star Jewel
YT-2400 Freighter
Modified Swoop Bike
Loaded Chance Cubes
Bantha Mount
Personal Long-Range Shuttle
Modified Byblos Drive Yards G-1A Transport Mist Hunter
Musical Instrument
Herbal Bag
Krayt Dragon Pearls within body
Retractable Manipulators
Built-in DF-15 Fusion Generator
Multi-Spectral Scanner
Manipulator Arm
Power Diagnostics Package